Thursday, May 31, 2012

BARK of Boone County

At work I signed myself up to be on the "Wellness Committee". Basically we just look for active things around the area that we can participate in. In researching I found this event that tries to raise money for cancer research through this dog day event. I figured since my hubbie is aiming to be a vet that this was right up our ally.
There was an obstacle course that the dogs could do. Marbre thought it would be better to drink from the pool than to walk through it, but William was able to coax her through it all.
We really thought that we could get Cella to amaze the crowds with her jumping abilities. She really is a high jumper....always preferring to be on top of the dog house instead of in it. It was hard to get them to jump over the pole though, they much preferred to just go under it. I did take Cella around the obstacle course with me, but the camera man was too slow in getting the jumping shot I got Cella to do.
Everyone walked around the lake with their dogs sort of as a remembrance thing for those good dogs that cancer took away from this world. It was a nice little stroll and the dogs had fun playing in the water.
As far as really cool looking dogs, there were a few. By far the biggest was this Newfoundland. William wasn't sure about the breed since it had a ton of white on it, so I asked the owner. It was definitely a gentle giant and I thought the bib was a nice touch.

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