Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Penn Vacation - First Stop

So this vacation was back in July...but posting late rather than never is good, right?! This was a farmer's market that is one of the most popular to do in Lancaster. It was way busy. Those people in the lower right should look familiar.
This herbs guy had all sorts of dried mushrooms. Since mushrooms are one of William's favorites, I figured it was picture worthy.
I had to laugh at the craziness of all the telephone lines, and how close one got to be to their neghbors.
In Cameron and Yai's backyard was this of so cute little pond. The owners previous also had this train track that went around it. Way too fun.
This was one of 3 huge frogs that live in the pond and felt the need to vocalize all the time. They didn't much care for their pictures being taken, but I was able to snap this one.
It's he handsome? Everyone, meet Liam Meebune. Isn't he cute?
Here is William having fun at the kiddie park. He was able to make it all the way across because of the great running start he got.
A tuckered out Liam. You can kinda see the hint of red in his hair from his dad. I think everyone is anxiously awaiting what color it ends up being.
A river close to their house. It's a popular swimming area. Way different from the clear waters back west.
We celebrated Cameron's birthday a little early. His schedule is so busy with rotations that we took the opportunity to surprise him. It was great!

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