Upon arriving back at school and realizing the run would be 38 miles, they recruited two other people. The rules were that the teams had to be an even amount of people and if you had guys and gals, you needed the same number of each. Josh's little sister said she would run and then they had a volunteer join our team. The team was called Moose on the Loose.
The starting point was the Rexburg temple. It started as a pretty cold morning. Ashley started the race.
I thought this guy had cool shoes. Apparently, only those who are avid runners invest in these things.
William took over after Ashley and ran 10.6 miles straight through. I like this picture because it is a good view of the Tetons in the back.
William handed off to Josh who also ran 10.6 miles straight through. Josh handed off to Erin who ran 10.7 miles. This is Josh and William giving the moose sign.
Ashley ran the last few miles after Erin. Everyone crossed the finish line together.
The ending point was the Idaho Falls temple. Nicole (Josh's wife) and I were the constant cheerers and would drive to each check point to make sure our runners were still doing well.